Edition 36 - MCH II

Edition 36, Maternal and Child Health / Children, Youth, and Families (MCH/CYF) II

This edition features the Journal‘s second edition of articles addressing MCH  /  CYF health.

Trampoline Injuries By Manon Pigeolet Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Citation Manon Pigeolet. Trampoline Injuries.

Impact of Paternal Race and Educational Status on Pregnancy Outcome among Paternity Acknowledged Births in the United States By Oluwasegun Akinyemi, Kindha

How $250,000 Could Improve Birth Outcomes for Black Mothers and Infants: A Proposed Interprofessional, Community-Centered Doula Program By Shannon Faehling, Hannah Phelan,

Fathers and Child Health Behaviors: Assessing Father Engagement, Early Childhood Diet, and Screen Time in a National Sample of US Children By

House Bill 488: North Carolina’s Opportunity to Meaningfully Impact Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes By Tyler C. Fox, BA and Rishika Reddy,

Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Rationale Surrounding the Decision to Vaccinate Among Pregnant Women of Color in the United States: Lessons