The State of Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries - Appendix

About the Report: The State of Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries - Appendix

This is the appendix of the report, The State of Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries. The report was developed under the guidance of Professor Rifat Atun, Professor of Global Health Systems at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University and Director of the Health Systems Innovation Lab and Francesca Colombo, Head of the Health Division at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and implemented by a team of researchers and contributors from the Health Systems Innovation Lab (HSIL) at Harvard University and the OECD, including: Dr Thanitsara Rittiphairoj, Research Assistant, HSIL, Dr Amanda Reilly, Research Assistant, HSIL, Dr Ché L. Reddy, Associate Director, HSIL, Dr Eliana Barrenho, OECD, Dr Nicolaas Klazinga, OECD, Katherine de Bienassis, OECD, Lucy Hallett, OECD.


Rittiphairoj T, Reilly A, Reddy CL, Barrenho E, de Bienassis K, Hallett L, Klazinga N, Colombo F, Atun R. Appendix: The State of Cardiovascular Disease in G20+ Countries. Health Systems Innovation Lab, Harvard University, May 2022. DOI: 10.54111/0001/HSIL/cvdg20appendix

About the Health Systems Innovation Lab at Harvard University

The Health Systems Innovation Lab (HSIL) at Harvard University is a global research and training lab that specializes in creating high value health systems through targeted innovations. Led by Prof. Rifat Atun, the Lab uses its research, education, innovation and translation activities to work with students, governments, private sector, multilateral entities, and civil society to promote policy and practice, and accelerate the diffusion of health system innovations. The Lab conducts its work within two inter-related streams–Global Health Systems and Innovation—and is driven by a Harvard-based team of interdisciplinary clinicians and academic leaders, and an international group of disciplinary experts.

HSIL materials are provided on the HPHR Journal website through a partnership between HSIL and the Boston Congress of Public Health (BCPH), publisher of the HPHR Journal.

Harvard Health Systems Innovation Lab